Adjacent to the Conkers visitor attraction in the National Forest, Moira Junction is a 3.5-hectare local nature reserve managed by Leicestershire County Council. Once part of the Overseal railway sidings, which ceased operations in 1966, the area has undergone natural regeneration, with its railway cuttings and embankments now transformed. The reserve features two lakes, birch woodlands, and heath grassland, and can be accessed through Conkers or the Ashby Woulds Heritage Trail. It will be a great playground for making interesting photography projects.

This event is part of a series of four that RPS East Midlands is running in conjunction with the RPS TWT national project that aims to have over 30 walks aimed at inspiring members to photograph wooded environments.

Once booked you will be invited to a zoom talk by Paul Mitchell FRPS who will talk about his approach to woodland photography to give you some ideas about creating your own. How you decide to create your work is up to you though. At RPS East Midlands we do urge photographers to create small photography projects rather than single images.

Our day at Moira Junction will begin at 10am with coffee before heading off to woods by following a defined circuit. We will lunch at a nearby pub, before returning to the woods for more photography.

52.738318405428, -1.5429997444153
All information will be supplied prior to the event.
Walking is flat and on prepared surfaces.
52.9470152767, -0.89214831590652
to be confirmed